The D programming language is a modern, multi-paradigm system programming language designed for both performance and ease of use. It offers the power and low-level control of languages like...
Finding the most effective, dependable, and adaptable toolkit among the many programming languages available is a never-ending quest. For a long time, Python has been praised for its ease...
For Python developers, the hunt for the “best” programming language can be a constant murmur. While some believe the concept of a single “best” language is a myth, author...
Dependency injection A little modified quote from Wikipedia, Dependency injection article (This quote is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0): In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique whereby one...
Iury de Oliveira was my business partner, see The Worst Software Startup Ever. But he has go somehow mad (probably of bad alcohol). Now he is threatening me by...
Almost since childhood I had two dreams: to discover algebraic general topology and to make my own XML standard on automatic conversion between XML namespaces. This article is related...
There is a C library librdf. I wrote its D wrapper to be used for my revolutionary software XML Boiler. I did for most kinds of objects *WithFinalize and...
A man once contacted me and offered to participate in a joint software project. At first, I misunderstood him and thought it is just some open source. I refused...
I am happy to announce the first release (v0.1.0) of XML Boiler (Automatic transformation of XML namespaces) software. This release is alpha. But it seems to be already useful. For example,...
XML Boiler project reached an important milestone: To make the first release it remains to debug it. (Also need to create particular XML processing scripts to make it useful.)...