There is RDF. Why to create a new data description language? Several RDF files (possibly downloaded from the Web and non-trusted) may be merged in such a way that it creates contradictory data. It contradicts to design goals of this my project.
We need to create a language which describes objects and objects are in some sense immutable (cannot be changed by loading one more file with other objects).
With every IRI they are associated one or more objects. Every object has some (say N) properties.
So I propose a language to describe objects and propose to call it NLang (because unlike RDF objects may have N>1 properties).
Next it follows an example (similar but different to Turtle syntax) after which I am going to model the syntax:
<http://example.org/example> [ a :transformer ; dc:description <http://...> ; # Other Dublin Core metadata. :source-namespace <...> ; :target-namespace <...> ; :precedence <...> ; :scripts ref <http://example.org/scripts> ] . <http://example.org/scripts> [ a :xslt ; :version "2.0" ; :script-url <http://example.org/scripts/foo.xslt> ; :transformer-kind :entire ; :arguments [ :argument [ :name "debug" ; :value false ] ; :argument [ :name "other" ; :value 123 ] ] ; #:initial-context-node ... ; # See XSLT 2.0 spec. initial-template "first" ; initial-mode: "first" ; completeness 0.9 ; stability 0.9 ; preference 0.9 ] .