prettyPhoto patched to load photos through AJAX when reaching start or end of the list of photos on the current...
There are at least two very much underestimated projects in the field of information technology. The first one is of...
Since the long ago time when I used both XWindows and Linux console using getty program, I’ve setup some files...
Because the latest Skype for Linux was not installable with Debian Linux 6 (Squeeze) I decided to install pre-release (“testing”)...
Suppose you want to to start an XWindow program from a terminal with its input, output, and error output redirected...
I’ve bought an HP printer, but laid it into an attic because it persisted to highlight “no paper” indicator even...
My writing of a specification how to do transformation between XML namespaces automatically (by putting transformation info in RDF format...
I’ve put online the first version of Automatic transformation between XML documents with different namespaces draft. This draft is probably...
My mathematical research has stuck. Thus I decided for now to change my research field. Now I am going to...
I release an ALPHA version of MetaTags sidebar for Firefox. It displays page info, keywords, description, etc. in browser sidebar.