XML Boiler project reached an important milestone: To make the first release it remains to debug it. (Also need to...
I have created a C library to span a process with given input and receive its output. One cannot just write...
One man asked me: I have heard of Ubuntu Linux, but have never seriously considered using it. What makes it...
Today I have moved all my Web sites from an old VPS hosting to Digital Ocean VPS hosting. Their prices...
I recently bought an UPS by the Innova company. On the box it was written “Linux”. I opened the box...
I’ve said earlier, that Linux would be inefficient with The Machine computer architecture, because its different memory model. Thus, as...
I’ve copied my /var/www, MySQL database, and /etc from a sever to an other server. After this I found that...
I have revised the draft about Automatic XML transformations between namespaces. This is the first version of the draft which...
Despite of that I have earlier said that my specification writing fails, I have developed a more or less consistent...
As a step toward toward robust Linux sandbox, I have released CIL compiler for Debian Linux. See version 0.0.0+git20140511-1 (not...