I’ve moved my work on “Automatic transformation of XML namespaces” to Wikiversity wiki site (as a research project). Now anyone can contribute. See this link: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Automatic_transformation_of_XML_namespaces
My proposal for a new data description language NLang alternative to RDF is probably deadborn. I have missed the rationale: The rationale for NLang was that the data is...
There is RDF. Why to create a new data description language? Several RDF files (possibly downloaded from the Web and non-trusted) may be merged in such a way that...
As an update to the previous version of the specification I have written a new draft of Automatic transformation between XML documents with different namespaces. This updated version supports...
About my specification on automatic transformation between XML namespaces: I have rewritten the algorithm of recursive retrieval namespace and XML transformations descriptions. The updated algorithm allows to do such...
I have rewritten my draft specification “Automatic transformation between XML documents with different namespaces“. Now it uses Turtle (instead of RDF/XML) syntax in examples. As for now, the algorithm...
I have revised the draft about Automatic XML transformations between namespaces. This is the first version of the draft which is nearly complete (except of descriptions of particular transformations)....
I’ve updated Automatic transformation between XML documents with different namespaces specification. The main difference of the last updated draft is that it supports running transformations on elements with namespaced...
Despite of that I have earlier said that my specification writing fails, I have developed a more or less consistent specification which I am going to implement. I am...
I wrote earlier that my XML standard writing (about automatic transformation between XML namespaces) failed. I have later resolved that problem, see standard draft (in Word 97 format), but...